The Board of Directors’ Community Improvement Initiative, an SCF competitive grant program, will award up to $30,000 to one project in 2023. The projects submitted must create indelible, measurable impacts in the immediate and broader community; be supported and planned by a broad range of users; and have a clear, well-laid plan for success and sustainability.
While this program is open to all applications that address community needs, a priority will be given to projects with a focus on the following:
- Diversity – A community that appreciates and celebrates the unique differences that make us who we are.
- Equity – A community that provides equitable access to opportunities and elimination of barriers to participation.
- Inclusion – A community in which everyone is invited, has a sense of belonging, is heard and understood, is valued for their authentic self, and feels safe and secure.
Applications opened on February 1, 2023 and are due by April 1, 2023. One grant of $25,000 will be awarded annually. If the initial $25,000 is matched with another $25,000, the foundation will award an additional $5,000.
Past recipients of the grant include Restoration Community Outreach: Restore, Renew, Recreate Life Skills Program (2022), The NEIGHB (2021), and Bethel Community Garden (2020).
Interested applicants should contact Brian Jackson, director of donor services & special initiatives, at (989) 755-0545 or to discuss their project and to receive a grant number.