Does The Music Matter-Project 13 (also known as DTMM-13) is a music educational, violence prevention & interruption non-profit corporation. DTMM-13 was developed to vigorously pursue recovery from the public health issue of violence. One of the objectives of DTMM-13 is to help address underlying factors that are instrumental to the traumatic impact of violence. Another objective will explore approaches for implementing collaborative solutions towards the demise of violence.
On July 1, 2023, DTMM-13 launched an anti-gun violence campaign called “No Silence for Gun Violence,” activated to strengthen those who are impacted by gun violence, directly or indirectly. This campaign will combat the reality of the public health issue of violence and bring people together with like minds and hearts, to see healing in their communities.
In promotion of the campaign, DTMM-13 will look for 100 male volunteers to participate and assist in this canvassing project. These males may be of all ages, ethnicities, religions/faiths and other community sectors. Please note that minors must and will be accompanied by an adult unless otherwise authorized by parent/guardian.
On Sept. 2, from 10 to 11 a.m. (promptly), male volunteers of all ages will meet at New Life Baptist Ministries located at 1401 Janes Ave in Saginaw. During that time volunteers will be provided with an introduction to DTMM-13, canvassing instructions, facilitation and a ticket for an afternoon lunch, compliments of Bro-B Que fundraising and Family Fun Day festival sponsored by RCO Men’s Shelter.
The Community Canvassing Initiative will take place from 11:15 a.m., to 12:45 p.m. Our goal is to have direct contact and intentional communication with a target of 1200 households; comprised of 300 households each on the east, west, north and south sides of Saginaw.
We will conclude canvassing at 12:45 p.m., all volunteers will return to 1401 Janes by 1 p.m., where the Bro-B Que and RCO Men’s Shelter fundraising festivities will convene until 5pm. A “Bro-B Que” is a male-facilitated bar-b-que style gathering intended for male bonding, relationship building and the development of male resource sharing. In collaboration with RCO’s Family Fun Day, these festivities are an opportunity for males to build relationships; financially support a men’s shelter; partake in community development, enjoy food, live entertainment, games & activities for the entire family, and opportunity to register for a chess tournament ($500 cash prize winner take all) and more!
To join the campaign, go to: https://www.dtmm-project13.org/services-1 and be sure to subscribe. If you cannot attend this initial event, you may also participate in the campaign by:
- Creating discussions that have the ability to develop intervention and prevention of gun violence
- Make music about it!
- Use financial resources to combat gun violence.
- Put a forceful stop to gun violence in your particular neighborhood by working with agencies such as Crime Stoppers.
- Verbally discourage gun violence
- Promote conflict resolution
- Whatever you are “willing” to do, just do it!
If you would like more information, ready to volunteer, or make a donation, please feel free to contact cpritchett@dtmm-project13.org or call 989.443.0985.
We thank you for your kind consideration to help us by shining your spotlight on this public health issue, community concern, and initiative to STOP THE VIOLENCE!
Corey Pritchett has had many life experiences, combined with education and training and is available for speaking engagements, mentoring, youth life coaching, Gospel rap and Christian/Disciple Counseling.