As part of the state’s commitment to ensuring Michigan families have access to behavioral health resources when and where they need them, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is expanding access to mobile response teams to address crisis situations for young people.
Five Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSP) received more than $900,000 in grants through the mobile response grant program, including Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority (SCCMHA) who received $200,000.
“This grant money will help vulnerable Michiganders across the state get access to the care they need and receive it quickly,” said Governor Whitmer. “Mobile response teams are specially trained and provide a comprehensive array of mental health services when and where our young Michiganders need it.”
SCCMHA’s Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) was created to help youth experiencing a mental health crisis. MRSS provides mobile crisis response to all Saginaw County residents, and support by phone to callers outside of the county. MRSS is comprised of a team of mental health professionals with experience working with a variety of populations
MDHHS awarded similar grants to 18 CMHSPs which started on Jan. 1, 2023. The five additional CMHSPs will be launched Oct. 1, 2023. In total, the state is providing over $7.5 million in funding to support mobile crisis response in the 2023 and 2024 fiscal year budgets. CMHSPs can use grant funding to design services that are proactive and address crisis situations prior to further escalation.