STARS will be offering free bus route services during the entire 10-day Memorial Cup event, including on Memorial Day. During the tournament, STARS also will extend normal bus route hours until 11pm, including Saturdays and Sundays.
STARS will offer the following free services from Friday, May 24 through Sunday, June 2:
- Regular Bus Routes will run on Monday-Friday 5AM-11PM, Saturdays 8AM-11PM and Sundays 9AM-11PM.
- The Spirit Loop, connecting Old Town and Downtown along the Riverfront to the Dow Event Center, will run from 11AM-2:30AM every day and every 15 minutes.
- The Saginaw Hotel Loop, connecting the Township Hotels with the STARS Plaza and the Dow, will run from 11AM-2PM, 5PM-7PM, and 10PM-2:30AM every day and every 30 minutes.

“STARS is here to ensure that Saginaw residents can participate in this exciting time for our City. The Memorial Cup is bringing opportunity and STARS is here to bring access to the Cup and everything that comes with it. These expanded services help our Saginaw residents and businesses prosper,” said Glenn Steffens, Executive Director of STARS.
For more information on STARS Memorial Cup services, visit
These services are being made possible by the financial support of the Saginaw DDA, Saginaw Township, and the Kochville DDA.